The Imperative

How to form the imperative:

The imperative is the "command form". The verb takes neither the particle "to" nor a subject, since it is intended to "you". It is formed in the following way "verb in its base form + object". Example:
Close the door. 

Or only the base form as the following Example: 
Stand up.

Imperatives with modal auxiliaries:

To make a polite request, you can add "could you", "can you" or "would you" at the beginning of the command, as in the exemples below:

Could you open the door?
Would you stand up?


1. Look at the following picture and turn the following classroom commands into questions using the auxiliaries "would" and "could" for each one.

2. Carlos is still learning how to ask questions using the auxiliaries "can" and "could" . Help him to correct the wrong questions. Post your answers below.

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